An introduction to oil paints with Rosie Ramsden, 20th April 2024


This class is perfect for those who live in a different time zone or couldn’t join the class on the 20th April 2024

All levels are welcome.

Please scroll along the pictures to see close up’s of the flowers we painted - you will need to have access to these during the class so take screen shots or print them out.

Materials you will need…….

Oil paint (these are a brilliant set for forming almost any colour you need):Ivory black, burnt umber, ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, cerulean blue, alizarin crimson, cadmium red, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow, titanium white.

Palette: Please bring along something to mix on. I like mixing on a glass palette with a grey background as it’s easy to clean but you can use wood or tear-off palettes:

Surface: Bring 2 selection boards or canvases of different sizes. Ideally these will already be primed and you will have put a light tone on them already so that you are not painting directly onto white. The tone could be a warm grey for example (mix blue and alizarin with a touch of yellow ochre) and make sure you wipe down the colour so it is not dominant and dark. You can also use acrylic or even a sample paint pot for these which will dry much quicker.

Other materials:

Paintbrushes, I like to have 2 fat brushes, 3 medium sized and 2 small. The more brushes you have the less likely it is you’ll need to clean your brushes during the class.

Your sketchbook plus a pencil to write and sketch in (if you keep one)

Palette knife

Oil (linseed or poppy)

Dilutant (turps or zest-it)

A rag or two

Messy clothes!

This a recording of a live class held on Zoom so the quality of the video can vary.

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